Serving Our Seniors Magazine

In May 2022, Serving Our Seniors treated the Sandusky High School Student Council to a pizza party. It was a token of appreciation for their volunteer service WR KHOS RXU QRQ SUR¿W DJHQF\ The Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior class representatives on Student Council, volunteered their WLPH WR FOHDQ 6HUYLQJ 2XU 6HQLRUV RI¿FHV RQ D ZHHNO\ basis throughout the school year. Each week that they volunteered, Serving Our Seniors made a donation to the Student Council’s treasury, which supports the work of the Student Council. 6HUYLQJ 2XU 6HQLRUV EHQH¿WWHG LQ DQRWKHU ZD\« We met two graduating seniors who have applied for employment at Serving Our Seniors. Thank you Sandusky High School Student Council and Student Council Advisors! Serving Our Seniors Thanks Sandusky High School Student Council 26