Serving Our Seniors Magazine

Serving Our Seniors REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 2,483 Number of calls to Serving Our Seniors asking for help 1,162 Individual older adults who called with a question/problem/concern 199 New older adults calling Serving Our Seniors who never called in the past Nutrition 5,232 Rural Home Delivered Meals 0 Rural Lunch Groups met due to Covid-19 Guidelines 107 Older adults used weekday transportation funded by Serving Our Seniors 1,384 1-way trips were taken by older adults who paid a bus fare of $1.50 40 Older adults used Weekday Transportation at a reduced fare of 50¢ per 1-way trip 761 Trips were provided to 36 people for 50¢ per 1-way trip 34 Older adults used Out of Town Transportation to get to their health care appointments 65 Trips were driven to take 27 older adults to their health care appointments 5 Older adults were given a total of 7 gas vouchers, so they could afford to travel out of town to their health care appointments Priority Programs 16 Small Home Repairs 5 New Ramps Installed 133 Ramps in Service throughout Erie County Services to Support Independent Living at Home Education Offered 191 Medicare Counseling Sessions (group and individual) January 2022 through March 31, 2022 From the Director Our cover story is about two amazing people who are not afraid to let others know that they see a mental health counselor, regularly. Because of it, they have a support system, enjoy life and love who they are. Health problems defy age. They want our readers to know that there is no reason to be ashamed and there is help for those feeling sad, anxious, tired or troubled. They are an inspiration. , KRSH \RX ZLOO UHDG RXU FDOHQGDU RI HYHQWV ,W LV ¿OOHG with public forums. The topics are appropriate for WKRVH RI XV ZKR DUH OLYLQJ RXU ¿QDO FKDSWHUV ,W PD\ not be a pleasant topic, but necessary to understand at the age of 55+. Part of aging well, means never stop learning. If your smart phone, iPad or computer skills are not where you need them to be, read about Breanna Gilliam, Digital Divide Trainer, on pages 7 and 12. She is our new co-worker and can take the fear out of learning how to use these gadgets. Be sure to mark August 12, 2022 and come to Senior Fest , 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and take a trip down memory lane, enjoy a lunch served to the table and MoTown/Rock n Roll Concert by local singing group, The J-Markz . (Details are on page 20) If you enjoy the magazine, please tell our advertisers. Let them know you noticed their ad in Serving Our Seniors Magazine. Thank them for being an advertiser. It is they, who pay the cost of the printing and the mailing of the magazine so it is mailed directly to your door. We could not publish Serving Our Seniors Magazine without them. Here is to a happy, healthy, summer! Sue Daugherty 419-624-1856 3