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Serving Our Seniors is someone to call when you need help.
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Serving Our Seniors Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary:
Meet the Founders
Twenty years ago, on December 16, 1996, Serving
Our Seniors opened its doors to help Erie County
residents, ages 60+, maintain their independence. Few
people know that Serving Our Seniors was founded by
a tiny group of senior citizen activists who lived in Erie
County. That’s how it all started!
At that time, Founders, Marian Koch was 68 years
old, and volunteering up a storm at the Erie County
Senior Center; along with her husband, the late Ray
Koch then age 68, retired NASA Plum Brook, Director;
The Erie County Common Pleas Court Judge, Jane
Lucal, now retired, was age 56 at that time and would
frequently speak at the Senior Center.
All three were responsible for bringing Serving Our
Seniors into existence and laying the foundation
for the agency to be successful, as a not-for-profit
service agency that answers the exclusive needs of
Erie County senior citizens. The founders wanted
a “one-stop shop”, so that one call would access
multiple services needed to help Erie County residents
maintain their independence as they age.
I met with Marian Koch and Retired Common Pleas
Court Judge, Jane Lucal on August 3, 2016. I asked
them to share their memories of the roles they, and
others, played in founding the Serving Our Seniors
In 1995, Judge Lucal, who saw so many senior issues
arising in her court due to Guardianship proceedings,
asked Ray and Marian Koch if they would help her
formulate and manage a Senior Services Tax Levy
Campaign. She saw how heavily involved Ray and
Marian Koch were volunteering at the Erie County
Senior Center; and she was moved to do something to
help the 60+ population, as they grew older. She saw
the need to support these older adults in their quest to
maintain their independence while trying valiantly to
live at home.
All three, in their own ways, were advocates for Erie
County’s senior citizens. Judge Lucal would hear
cases in Probate Court that proved to her there was
a need in Erie County. She saw the need again when
she would speak at the Senior Center on various
issues. That is how she met the Koch’s.
“I first met Marian at the Senior Center. She was
operating the copy machine, making thousands of
copies. It was evident to me that Ray and Marian
were very involved. They were a real force down there.
They loved those seniors…and the seniors loved
them,” said Judge Lucal.
The desire for Erie County to have more senior
services was something that was of mutual interest to
all three. Judge Lucal said, “It just came together. We
would go out and talk and explain that we can’t neglect
these older people who are often living alone and have
serious needs. We need a network of support. People
By Sue Daugherty
Judge Jane Lucal & Marian Koch
Marian Koch & Judge Jane Lucal
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