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Vicki Yates learned about Alternative Care Center
through the PASSPORT caseworker. Vicki works and
she is her mother’s caregiver. “We used to have in-
home care, but they consistently called off. So we tried
day services. My mom loves it here,” she said.
Alternative Care Center picks up her mom and brings
her to the day center. Vicki said, “Compared to where
she was when she started…Mom is so much better!
Before, Mom would forget who we were. Now, she
knows what day it is and she has made friends. She
wants to come every day. It’s a great place.”
Call 419-624-6993 for more information.
Serving Our Seniors is someone to call when you need help.
419-624-1856 800-564-1856
Upcoming Programs:
Oct. 1 & 2; 11-5 - Harvest Happenings Festival
Nov. 4 at 6:30pm - Sandstone Quarries of Ohio
Dec. 19 at 5:30pm - Origin of the Christmas Tree
Location: Osborn MetroPark; 3910 Perkins Ave.
Find out more:
Or Call
419-625-7783 x221
An “Alternative” Way to Share the Care
Not many people know what the term “adult day
services” means. It is a place for adults, often older
adults, who have a condition and who need care and
supervision. The adult can use day services for a
half day or a full day to enjoy fellowship, structured
recreational activities, snacks and a hot lunch. They
can also receive help with personal hygiene - if
Sandusky has such a place: Alternative Care Center,
open from 7:30am until 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.
“We provide a community, a place where each person
feels like they belong. They look forward to coming
here – to see their friends,” said the Director, Carol
Scott, LPN.
Duke Cox heard about day services by talking to
friends. When he met Carol, he said “It was such a
friendly meeting and such a happy atmosphere that I
love for Thelma (his wife) to be here. She loves to be
here. There hasn’t ever been a day that she doesn’t
want to go.”
For Duke, using Alternative Care Center lets him work
three days a week for a few hours a day and he goes
to cardiac rehab, which he likes to do. “It’s a big relief
for me, because I don’t want her to be by herself.”
Serving Our Seniors Accepts Donated Diabetic Supplies, But Not Medicine
Controlling diabetes isn’t cheap. If you don’t have insurance to pay for the testing
supplies it can be unaffordable. Test strips can cost as much as $1.00 per strip. For
those who test their blood three times a day the cost can be $90.00/month. That doesn’t
include the cost of lancets, syringes or pens for injecting the insulin.
Serving Our Seniors accepts donated lancets, unexpired diabetic testing strips and
unopened bags of insulin syringes. You can donate these diabetic supplies to Serving
Our Seniors. We give these items to Erie County senior citizens, age 60+, who cannot
afford to buy them. (Please note: We cannot accept used glucometers and we cannot
accept diabetic medicine.)
Mr. & Mrs. Duke Cox
Vicki Yates &
Carolyn Mitchell
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