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Serving Our Seniors is someone to call when you need help.
419-624-1856 800-564-1856
Mobility Group
provides comfort and
ease for day to day life. We provide
full service repairs
after the purchase of
mobility equipment
See what we can do for you.
Everyday life made
(419) 616-6017
Providing Certified
Wound Care, Physical,
Occupational and
Speech Therapy,
Medical Social
Workers, Home
Health Aides, and
Skilled Nursing Care.
Ask Serving Our Seniors
Q: I can’t afford to buy Medicare
Part D prescription drug
insurance. I’m married and
our gross combined income is
$1,991.00/month. Our savings is
$27,000.00. Who can help me?
A: If you are an Erie County resident,
age 60+, Serving Our Seniors can
help you. For individuals and married couples with
lower incomes, the federal government has a program
called “Extra Help”. It allows you to have Medicare
Part D at a very low cost. Call us today and ask for
an appointment.
– Tina, Trainer, How To Be Your Own
Health Care Advocate
Q: I heard that Erie County
residents ages 65 and older can
ride the SPARC bus for free. Is
that true?
A: Yes, it is true. To get your pass,
come to Serving Our Seniors with
proof of age and residency. The SPARC is the bus that
stops at various bus stops throughout the Sandusky &
Perkins area.
– Nancy, Senior Advocate Assistant
Q: I am caring for my spouse. I’m doing fine, but
our kids are on my back about
“taking care of me.” What is it that
I should be doing?
A: I’m glad you are doing fine now,
but don’t want you to wait until a crisis
before you find out what is available
to help and support caregivers. Let me help you learn
about the “Caregiver Support Program” (419-382-0624
ext. 2226. Ask for Heather Wonnell) and all that they
have to offer to assist you.
– Morgan, Senior Advocate
Q: My dad is very competent, but having physical
health problems. He won’t accept help. He doesn’t
want others to know his business. What can I do?
A: That’s where I come in. I am a “Senior Advocate”
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