Event Calendar


Serving Our Seniors’ Upcoming Forums


January 8, February 12, and March 12, 2025, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Lunch and Learn. Serving Our Seniors 310 East Boalt Street, Sandusky. Bring your lunch and ask your questions with no appointment needed.

 Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, Movie & Dinner with a Doc – A Discussion of Memory Changes that are Treatable in Later Life.  Join us for the documentary movie, “I’ll Be Me,” the true story of Glenn Campbell and his sold out “Good Bye” Concert Tour to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease.  Following the movie will be a 45-minute forum, facilitated by Sue Daugherty, Director and Tina Sluga, Health Care Advocate Trainer.  They will facilitate a Q & A session with Dr. Hiba Khan, MD, Cleveland Clinic Geriatrician.  An emphasis will be placed on addressing questions about memory changes that look like Alzheimer’s disease but are NOT Alzheimer’s disease.  The audience will learn about TREATABLE conditions that cause changes in memory and the importance of consulting a specialist, early, when changes in memory are noticed, in later life.

Location: Perkins High School, 3714 Campbell Street, Sandusky, (Perkins Twp.)

Time: Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Showtime: 12:00 p.m. (Eat lunch before you arrive) Break 1:45 pm -2:15 p.m.

Q & A Forum with Dr. Kahn, 2:15- 3:00p.m.

3:15 p.m. a Mesenburg Creative Catering, prime rib dinner is served.

To reserve your seat requires a $10 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, paid to Serving Our Seniors.  Those who arrive on time, don’t leave early and stay for the entire event will receive their deposit immediately after the dinner.

Jan 13, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Understanding How Your Real Estate Taxes are Calculated for Sandusky City Residents.  Erie County Office Building, 247 Columbus Ave, 3rd floor, Sandusky, Ohio. The speaker, Caleb Stidham, Erie County Treasurer, will speak to an audience of Sandusky City residents, who live in the Sandusky School District, and are ages 60 plus. Call the reservation line at 419-504-0585 419-624-1856 or e-mail Mail@ServingOurSeniors.org to reserve your seat.  Leave your name, phone number and the name of the event you wish to attend.  If the forum is cancelled, you will be notified by phone.

Jan 16, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. New Improvements to Medicare Part D. Erie County Senior Center, 620 East Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers include Patricia Stineman, Patricia Stineman, Medicare Education Specialist, OSHIIP Certified, Serving Our Seniors, and David Painter, OSHIP Community Liaison, Ohio Dept. of Insurance.

January 22, 2024, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. The Local Truth About Medicare Advantage Plans. 620 East Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers include Jeremy Normington-Slay, CEO, Firelands Health; Patricia Stineman, Medicare Education Specialist, Serving Our Seniors; David Painter, Community Liaison, Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP). Call the reservation line at 419-504-0585 419-624-1856 or e-mail Mail@ServingOurSeniors.org to reserve your seat.  Leave your name, phone number and the name of the event you wish to attend.  If the forum is cancelled, you will be notified by phone. For information about a complimentary lunch, call Serving Our Seniors, 419-624-1856 and ask for Brenda Henry.

January 27, 2025, 1:30 p.m.  How Real Estate Taxes are Calculated in your Community (Groton Township).  Groton Township Hall.  Caleb Stidham, Erie County Treasurer, will speak with Groton Township residents about how real-estate taxes are calculated in your community.

January 30, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cryptocurrency Scams Targeting Seniors (What you need to know about Bit Coin Machine scams and. Others.) Erie County Office Building, 247 Columbus Ave, 3rd floor, Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers may include Dan McLaughlin, Investigator, Elder Financial Abuse, Erie County Prosecutor’s Office, Josh Bransford, Atty, FTC, East Central Region, virtual appearance Mark Hoy, Criminal Intelligence Unit Supervisor – Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Office of Ohio Attorney General, and Bailey Hollingshead, Program Director, Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Institutions, Columbus, Ohio.

January 31, 2025, 1:30 p.m.  How Real Estate Taxes are Calculated in your Community (Oxford Township).  Oxford Township Hall.  Caleb Stidham, Erie County Treasurer, will speak with Oxford Township residents about how real-estate taxes are calculated in your community.

February 6, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. What you Need to Know about Fiber Optic Service, and What is Streaming? Erie County Senior Center, 620 East Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers include Zach Dever, Community Sales Representative and Jerome Reimers, Community Sales Representative, Omni Fiber, as well as Brandon Crosby, Buckeye Broadband.

February 20, 2024, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 pm. Medicare Refresher Erie County Senior Center, 620 East Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers include Patricia Stineman, Medicare Education Specialist, OSHIIP Certified, Serving Our Seniors, and Bill Biehl, Medical Education Specialist, OSHIIP Counselor, Serving Our Senior.

March 6, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Food as Medicine Erie County Senior Center, 620 East Water St., Sandusky, Ohio. The speaker is a registered dietician, Leslie Johnson, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Wellness Program Director, Family Health Services, Sandusky, Ohio.

March 12, 2025, 6:00 pm – 8:00 p.m. New to Medicare Serving Our Seniors, 310 East Boalt Street, Sandusky. OSHIIP- Certified instructors will discuss Medicare enrollment and coverage options, Parts A, B, C and D, and Medicare financial Assistance Programs. Registration is required one week in advance by calling 419-624-1856.

March 20, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Your Very Important Papers. Erie County Senior Center, 620 East Water St., Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers include Carlene Aldrich, Stein Hospice, Sandusky Jennifer Craig, CVISTA Bank, Sandusky; John Ball, Attorney, John R. Ball Co., LPA., Sandusky; Kari Jennings Arnold from Groff Funeral Home.

April 17, 2025, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. I’ve Fallen and I Can Get Up. 620 East Water St., Sandusky, Ohio. Speakers may include Timothy Albrethsen, Physical Therapist, Firelands Health, and Tina Sluga, Healthcare Advocate Trainer, Serving Our Seniors. RSVP required.

An audience of 30 or more people is required to justify the time of the speakers.  RSVPs are due no later than 2 days before the forum is scheduled.  Advanced registration is required.  Call the reservation line at 419-504-0585 419-624-1856 or e-mail Mail@ServingOurSeniors.org to reserve your seat.  Leave your name, phone number and the name of the event you wish to attend.  If the forum is cancelled, you will be notified by phone.