Serving Our Seniors is dedicated to helping Erie County Seniors maintain their independence. All Serving Our Seniors programs are designed as the services of last resort. We will not duplicate a program to help senior citizens if one already exists. Instead, we make every effort to assist eligible clients to enroll in the existing program. If no program exists to fulfill the older person’s needs, those who qualify, will be helped through Serving Our Seniors programs.
All services and programs are designed to enable individuals to afford the cost of service. If they cannot afford the cost of a particular service, Serving Our Seniors will help them by sharing the cost with the client. By cost-sharing, we are able to consider an individual’s circumstances and arrange for the older adults to pay what they can afford in an amount that will not cause a financial hardship.
Serving Our Seniors provides numerous services and programs to help Erie County residents, aged 60 or older to maintain their health and functional independence. The listing below of Serving Our Seniors’ services includes some, but not all, of Serving Our Seniors’ services. For more information, please call 419-624-1856. Click on Upcoming Events for dates and locations for current programs.

Getting Started—the Problem Solving Program
The Problem Solving Program is often the first call for help to access our other services. We are available by phone and for home visits to help Erie County older adults with questions, problems, or concerns. If we do not have the answer, we will find the person who does. This is our most widely-used service and it is free to any qualifying Erie County older adult. Call 419-624-1856 for help. We are here to help.
Reporting Financial Elder Abuse
Take action to protect older adults from suspected financial elder abuse. If you suspect it, report it to: Adult Protective Services of Erie County 419-626-5437; Erie County Prosecutor’s Office 419-627-7697; or Serving Our Seniors 419-624-1856
Financial Assistance for Urgent Needs
Financial assistance is available through the Piggy Bank Fund and the Ray and Marian Koch Fund for those who qualify.
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
Call 419-624-1856 to arrange an individual appointment with a professional from the Alzheimer’s Association of NW Ohio to learn more about aging and memory loss. Appointments are generally available on the third Thursday of each month from 2:30– 3:30 p.m. and from 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. at the Serving Our Seniors office. Meetings are also available virtually or by telephone.
Dental Care Services
When available financial assistance, usually through a repayment program, is available to those who qualify for dental care services. Monthly payments can be as small as $10 / month and are interest-free. Please call 419-624-1856 for details.
Hearing Aids
Let Serving Our Seniors help you apply for free hearing aids through the Miracle Ear Foundation. Call 419-624-1856 and ask for application assistance.
Medication Assistance
Call Serving Our Seniors (419-624-1856) for help affording your prescription medications. We can help you cut prescription drug costs by working with doctors, pharmaceutical companies, Social Security Extra Help, and finding lower-cost Medicare prescription drug plans.
Nutrition/Home Delivered Meals
Hot meal delivery 4 days a week with 1 frozen meal for Friday. The Erie County Senior Center funds meals to the city of Sandusky residents and Serving Our Seniors funds meals to residents in the other Erie County communities. A donation of $3.50/meal is suggested, but not required. Serving Our Seniors also has a frozen meal alternative for the rural home delivered meal program. All residents may call Serving Our Seniors at 419-624-1856. Sandusky residents may also call the Erie County Senior Center at 419-626-2560
Transportation to Out-of-Town Healthcare Appointments
Serving Our Seniors volunteers are able to drive older adults to necessary out of town health care appointments as far away as Cleveland or Toledo. Wheelchair transportation may also be available on a limited basis. Feel free to call 419-624-1856 for more information on how to sign up.
Medicare Education
Click on Upcoming Events for the current schedule of Medicare Education classes. The introductory class is “New to Medicare” offered by OSHIIP- certified instructors at the Serving Our Seniors’ office on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Registration is required 1 week in advance by calling 419-624-1856. This is about Medicare enrollment and coverage options, Parts A, B, C and D, and Medicare financial Assistance Programs. A power-point presentation is supplemented by the OSHIIP Medicare 101 Guide and other hand-out material. There is an opportunity for questions throughout the class.
Understanding Medicare Part D
Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. Don’t assume that that the Medicare Part D policy you have this year will work the same for you next year. It can be a daunting task to annually compare and contrast which Medicare Part D policy will cover you/your medications best — and at what cost. Please call for a Medicare Part D appointment discuss which Medicare Part D drug plan works best for you at 419-624-1856. Open Enrollment is Oct 15 through Dec 7 of each year.
Home Ramps
Serving Our Seniors provides ADA compliant metal home ramps to qualifying seniors who are unable to enter and exit their home safely due to a disability. The senior citizen pays for the cost of installation. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. When the senior no longer needs the ramp, Serving Our Seniors will have it removed. We re-use the ramps at the homes of other clients.
Handyman Services
Serving Our Seniors can help older adults with minor repairs and general maintenance necessary to keep small repairs small and to help you function safely in your home. This service is for such jobs as cleaning gutters, door repairs, installing grabbers and railings, fixing a furnace, leaky faucet, etc… For those who cannot afford to pay for repairs, Serving Our Seniors will share in covering the costs. When grant funding is available, Serving Our Seniors can arrange for free installation of raised toilet seats, shower chairs and make minor modifications to your home to prevent slips, trips and falls.
Weekday Transportation
Reduced fare rates for Erie County residents ages 60+ and travel within Erie County via the Sandusky Transit System (STS) for those who qualify. Never used public transportation before? Don’t be concerned! We can help you. We make it easy to use and understand. Call the Serving Our Seniors (419-624-1856) and let us show you how we can help.